Our Role and History


Role of the APB

The Association of Professional Biology (APB) represents professional biologists in British Columbia. Our members are in good standing with accredited regulatory natural resource organizations such as the College of Applied Biologists (CAB) in B.C. and the Alberta Society of Professional Biologists (ASPB).  Members are governed by provincial legislation (e.g., the College of Applied Biology Act and its Rules).

As the association of professional biologists of British Columbia, the APB works to continually evolve the practice of biology through providing professional development opportunities and guidance for biologists and other resource professionals in BC and the rest of Canada. We also advocate for advancements in the application, practice and understanding of biological sciences.

The APB works in concert with many other natural resource professional associations in BC to advance professional reliance responsibilities and ensure competency through training, guidance and our cornerstone annual APB Conference. The APB demonstrates leadership to the public, its members and other professions through:

  • Increasing general understanding of the benefits to the public, the environment, industry and the government in employing accredited biologists.
  • Increasing the understanding in other professions of the key role biology professionals play as part of a team.
  • Promoting legislation as a means of ensuring Registered Professional Biologists (RPBios) in BC maintain competency and accountability.
  • Involvement in mentorship, school outreach, science fairs and job fairs to facilitate the involvement of students and outside professional audiences in the profession.
  • Providing scholarships to those engaged in the study of applied biology.
  • Recognizing excellence through practice related and service awards.



The Association of Professional Biologists, as it was originally called, was first incorporated in January of 1980 by a group of dedicated biologists. Members of this group wanted to ensure the profession garnered the respect it deserved while having high entrance standards and a robust disciplinary structure to ensure each member would be an ambassador of the “new” profession.

In 2003, the College of Applied Biology Act came into force, bringing more definition to the profession.  This act strengthened the occupational title protection afforded to Registered Professional Biologists and allowed for the future inclusion of Registered Biology Technologists and Applied Biology Technicians. 

The Act also clarified the role of the Association of Professional Biologists through the creation of the College of Applied Biologists (aka, the College of Applied Biology).  The College was mandated to attend to matters of public interest, such as entrance requirements and discipline, while the Association remained a voluntary organization free to work on matters of importance to its members. As stated on the College website.


"The College is responsible under the Professional Governance Act (2018) for setting and maintaining entrance requirements through the Credentialing Standard and holding its registrants professionally accountable to the public interest through audits, practice reviews and, if necessary investigations processes.

To be clear: even since the time the College of Applied Biology Act was brought into effect in 2003 there has not been a connection between the College and the Association or any other non-regulatory group. The College mandate is to uphold the public interest, not to engage in advocacy."

A membership vote in October 2010 approved a name change for the Association to the Association of Professional Biology, which included a new certificate of incorporation and an update to its bylaws.

For more history, download copy of the 'Formative History of APB' as recalled by S. Fredrik Sverre, RPBio and edited by John Borden, RPBio February 28, 2011.